Visual Basic Sample Code Hello World

A 'Hello world' program is a computer program that outputs 'Hello World' (or some variant) on a display device. The first known version of this program comes from Brian Kernighan's paper A Tutorial Introduction to the Language B from 1972 (chapter 7). Let's start with a simple Hello World Node.js example. Create a new folder HelloWorld and launch VS Code. Mkdir HelloWorld cd HelloWorld code. From the File Explorer, create a new file called helloworld.ts. Now add the following TypeScript code. You'll notice the TypeScript keyword let and the string type declaration.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple hello world page with HTML. Firstly, let explains some of the HTML basics.

  1. HTML is stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
  2. HTML is a text file which consists a set of markup tags like (<html><body></html></body>).
  3. Almost all of the markup tag has start tag <html> and close tag </html>. Close tag is start with a “/”.
  4. The markup tags is just like a command to tell web browser (Firefox or Internet Explorer) what should do.
  5. HTML file must have htm or html as file extension.
  6. HTML file is not case sensitive. <html>, <HTML> or <hTmL> are all same tag.
  7. HTML file can be edit with any text editor like notepad or wordpad in windows , vi or emacs in unix or linux.

Steps to create HTML page

Let start to create a classic “Hello world” HTML file.

Hello World C++ Visual Studio

1. Text Editor

Open your favorite text editor, e.g Notepad. Create an empty text file.

Visual Basic Sample Code Hello World

2. HTMP Code

Copy and paste the following HTML code into your newly open text file.

3. Save It

Click File, Save it with a HTML file extension, e.g “anynameyoulike.html”

4. Demo

Double click to view it. (Or open the newly saved HTML file with your favor Internet browser).

Explanation of code

  1. <html></html> tag is tell internet browser this file is a start and end of the HTML file document.
  2. Text between <header></header> tag is for HTML header information, which is not display in internet browser.
  3. Text between <title></title> will display in left-up corner in internet browser, it’s web page title.
  4. Text between <body></body> will display as content in internet browser.

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Visual Basic Hello World Code


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