What do you get when you cross a Neo-Geo and a Sega Genesis? A pretty vintage case mod. [Brett] used a variation of the 16-bit console (known as the Mega Drive II) as the base of his project. With an original Neo-Geo motherboard and a few other components (such as a power indicating LED), the ‘Geosis’ was born. [Brett] removed a few of the unnecessary parts from the mobo, like the power-amp, and set it up to work with a regular 5V DC wall adapter. The PCB also had to be clipped so it would fit into the Mega Drive chassis.

CoolROM.com's Neo Geo ROMs section. Browse: Top ROMs - By Letter - By Genre. Mobile optimized. This awesome Emulator known as Unofficial MVSPSP Emulator 2.3.2 will let users play NEO GEO Roms on their PSP System with ease. The hard working folks from the ScummVM team has released a new version of their cross-platform point-and-click games emulator, ScummVM.

Neo Geo Rom Hacks Gratis
Though it may not be the case, some Neo-Geo motherboards in circulation have been salvaged from arcade machines. An enclosure would be essential for protecting them during standalone use – something [Brett] plans to do a lot.